

The Institute for Kinesiology Teachings in Damme, Germany, is the founding institute of Developmental Kinesiology. It is where Renate Wennekes (Kinesiologist, Diplom Educator) and Angelika Stiller (Occupational Therapist), began to research the seminal impact of the Brain Gym® Exercises in the early 90s.They soon saw the seminal relationship between early childhood developmental issues, our evolving reflexes, senses, motor development and personal development on learning processes later in life.

They saw a high relevance in Kinesiology and still do so, which has lead to more specialized balance systems and the development of a new set of classes in response. The 7 Developmental Kinesiology classes that were created cover the relevant passages of our human existence: from conception to pregnancy, to birth and the unfolding of our ‘human nature’ in early childhood.

In order to establish an accessible source of information and to provide tools for good parenthood, these classes were complemented with one-day-workshops that promote and facilitate self-awareness, ongoing practice and joy in being together and raising children.